Half/Full Day Workshops


Dance Units Made Easy: A New Model for Dance in P.E.

Teaching dance in Physical Education doesn't have to be stressful! Simplify and make dance unit design fun with Teaching Dance for Understanding: a new pedagogical approach for dance education that shakes things up! Forget 5-6-7-8 or complicated choreography. In this workshop, you'll experience first-hand the 6 Phases of the TDfU framework, and discover physically active lessons with dance moves that will inspire you and your students to bust-a-move and feel AWESOME about dance. Workshop material includes lesson plan samples, dance tutorial videos, assessment tools and rubrics.

Dance Lessons to Get the Little Ones Moving (K-Grade 2)

Discover how to build the foundations for competence, confident and motivated movers through Teaching Dance for Understanding – a framework that introduces students to the building blocks of physical literacy through dance. In this workshop, you’ll learn simple dances, rhythm activities and playful lessons that inspire students to discover the power of movement and dance as a form of self-expression.

Fun and Simple Dance Lessons for Elementary Students (Grades 3-5)

Get ready to shakes things up with TDfU – Teaching Dance for Understanding. In this workshop, you’ll learn to use a simple 6 phase model to engage students in developing physical literacy and learning foundational dance skills as they get active and interact with one another. Forget 5-6-7-8 or complicated choreography, these dance lessons are designed to be purposeful, playful and most important DO-ABLE by even the most hesitant P.E. teacher.

Building Leadership Through Dance in Middle School (Grades 6-8)

Music and movement are powerful tools to motivate students to get active as they develop fundamental movement skills! In this workshop, you’ll discover innovative lesson plans that tap into middle school students’ interest, while engaging them in leadership activities that make an impact in their families, schools and communities. Through the TDfU model, you get to step into the role of facilitator as your students step into the spotlight to share their music-driven movements in support of a quality Physical Education program.

DANCEPL3Y: Simple Dances + Coaching Skills for Teachers

During this workshop, teachers will learn the SKILLS to lead simple, playful and engaging dances that develop physical literacy. Participants will learn new verbal and physical instructing skills and apply them to bring DANCEPL3Y dances to life.