PL3Y programs are taught in schools and communities worldwide, helping thousands of children get active, while developing physical literacy and positive mental health through play!
What students are saying
“I’m all sweaty…and tired…but super happy!”
- Grade 2 student, Ethel Gardiner P.S. Georegetown, ON
“This is way more fun than regular dance - this class makes me feel awesome!”
-Grade 5 student, Paradise Valley, Phoenix, AZ
“My favourite activity was creating a dance with my group, doing a mash-up, and then performing it!”
-Grade 7 student, Colebrook Elementary, Surrey BC
what teachers are saying
“We all enjoyed the workshop. The Pro-D workshop was well paced, informative and practical. It was nice to learn about the theoretical framework and also come away with a strong understanding of how to teach the 6-lesson unit you provided us. We all liked trying out the dances and observing our students so engaged and active during your lessons. Our goal was to come away from the pro-d workshop and lessons feeling confident to teach our classes dance and we do!”
-Cathy Hart, Primary PE Teacher (Vancouver BC)
What Schools are saying
““Thanks once again for the awesome program with our students today. The time was energetic, enthusiastic and electric. A great time and positive messaging was experienced by everyone. Thanks again for sharing this wonderful opportunity with our students and staff.”
-Peter Tricario, School Principal (Toronto, ON)”
Giving Back…
Instructors across the globe have joined PL3Y Inc in supporting the work of Living Positive Kenya, an organization founded to support underprivileged women and their families live healthy and “positively” with HIV AIDS.
100% of monies raised through these fundraising events goes directly to Living Positive Kenya, providing them with the training, equipment and tools to lead dance and wellness classes.
To learn more about our outreach program and fundraising initiative for Living Positive Kenya, please click here.