PL3Y Education USA Offers
Curriculum Based Dance, Yoga & Fitness Programs
During an Activation Workshop, certified DANCEPL3Y-ED instructors come to your school and teach one to three dance lessons to energize and activate students while boosting their mental health. Workshops are offered for students from Kindergarten-Grade 12.
While leading an Activation Workshop, our instructors will:
Deliver a high-energy dance experience to kick off your dance unit or energize your school.
Coach students to develop fundamental movement skills.
Facilitate a space where students get interACTIVE with each other as they foster interpersonal and positive social skills.
Lead dances from a variety of world music styles.
Deliver content that addresses Physical Education and Dance expectations.
Provide educators assessment tools and rubrics
PLUS! Deliver a free lunch-hour workshop for teachers on Dances for DPA
Schedule Details: Up to 6 sessions per day, max 80 students per session.
Cost: Starting at $850usd/day
*Livestream Option Available
5-Day Residency (dance unit) Program
During a Residency program, certified DANCEPL3Y-ED instructors come to your school to teach a multi-day integrated Dance and Physical Education unit to students from Kindergarten-Grade 8.
While in your school, our instructors will:
Deliver a high-energy dance and physical activity program that meets Daily Physical Activity (DPA) requirements.
Deliver a grade-specific dance unit that specifically meets your area’s curriculum outcomes for Physical Education and Dance.
Engage teachers and role model during the delivery of lesson plans.
Showcase best practice in teaching, including how to set Learning Goals with students.
Provide Pre-Program Videos, Exit Cards and Assessment Tools.
Share Choreography Notes and Videos for Dances for DPA.
Ensure maximum participation and fun for all students.
Schedule Details: Up to 6 sessions per day, max 60 students per session.
Cost: Starting at $4,000usd/week
*Livestream Option Available
(Looking for a community event, Pro-D Workshop, or program not listed above? Click Here to Inquire)
During an Activation workshop, certified YOGAPL3Y-Ed instructors come to your school and teaches one to three lessons to energize and inspire students from Kindergarten-Grade 12.
While leading an Activation Workshop, our instructors will:
Inspire students to challenge their bodies with poses and focus their minds using breath and awareness.
Coach students to develop fundamental movement skills.
Facilitate a space where students connect with each other as they foster interpersonal and positive social skills.
Deliver content that addresses Physical Education expectations.
PLUS! Provide Assessment Tools and Rubrics
Schedule Details: Up to 6 sessions per day, max 80 students per session.
Cost: Starting at $850usd/day
*Livestream Option Available
During a yoga unit, certified YOGAPL3Y-Ed instructors come to your school and teaches a 5-Day integrated Yoga and Physical Education unit to students from Kindergarten-Grade 8.
While in your school, our instructors will:
Deliver a full unit that allows students to learn poses, practice self-regulation skills and achieve personal challenges.
Deliver a grade-specific yoga unit that specifically meets your area’s curriculum outcomes for Physical Education.
Engage teachers and role model during the delivery of lesson plans.
Showcase best practice in teaching, including how to set Learning Goals with students.
Provide Exit Cards and Assessment Tools.
Ensure maximum participation and fun for all students.
Schedule Details: Up to 6 sessions per day, max 60 students per session.
Cost: Starting at $4,000usd/week
*Livestream Option Available
(Looking for a community event, Pro-D Workshop, or program not listed above? Click Here to Inquire)
During an Activation workshop, certified POWERPL3Y-Ed instructors come to your school and teaches one to three lessons to energize and activate students from Kindergarten-Grade 12.
While leading an Activation Workshop, our instructors will:
Energize your Physical Education program with a fitness class designed to awaken the inner warriors in each student.
Lead curriculum-based lessons that include individual and team challenges that allow students to discover their strengths and build resilience, interpersonal, communication and problem-solving skills.
Introduce students to new fitness formats, games and activities.
PLUS! Provide Assessment Tools and Rubrics
Schedule Details: Up to 6 sessions per day, max 80 students per session.
Cost: Starting at $850usd/day
(Looking for a community event, Pro-D Workshop, or program not listed above? Click Here to Inquire)
“Having Melanie as a guest at my school has been the highlight of my time as a teacher at Gateway! Parents and students are still commenting on her incredible spirit and energy, and the uplifting experience of celebrating everyone’s individual strength and uniqueness through DANCEPL3Y.””
meet the usa Team:
Melanie Levenberg - Program Director, Lead International Instructor
Danielle Fraser - DANCEPL3Y Instructor
Matt Leung - DANCEPL3Y/YOGAPL3Y Instructor